Did you know that low-income households can spend as high as 16.4 percent of their income on residential energy services, while an average household spends just 7.2 percent? We're here to help bridge that gap.
We can help. Tulare County residents struggling to cover the cost of their household’s home energy bill are encouraged to apply for financial assistance through CSET’s Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which provides aid to low-income community members to manage their immediate heating and/or cooling needs. The goal of LIHEAP is to provide residents experiencing financial difficulty a chance to catch up or get ahead on their home energy bills, thereby preventing them from suffering a disconnection or service termination from their utility company.
Applicants who qualify for the program receive financial assistance once per program year for electricity, gas or propane services. Eligibility for assistance is based on LIHEAP income guidelines, the number of people in the household, the cost of energy and the availability of funds.
HAS YOUR RESIDENTIAL WELL GONE DRY DUE TO THE DROUGHT? If so, your household may be eligible to receive additional HEAP assistance.
Energy Assistance Hotline
To qualify for the program, residents must not exceed the income guidelines. Eligibility is based on income guidelines and important verification documents, including:
Household Income
Proof of gross monthly income from all sources in the household must be provided and must be current within the 6 weeks of the day you apply.
Southern CA Edison or PG&E; The Gas Company; or propane receipt/invoice.
All energy bills must contain a billing period of at least 22 days and be current within 6 weeks of the day you apply. You must provide both electric and gas/propane bills to apply for HEAP.
Social Security Card (for applicant only)
Valid CA ID or US issued photo ID (for applicant only)