Tulare County's golden generation deserves the very best. We are dedicated to providing our local senior citizens with services that remind them that they are important. Nutritious meals, warm conversations and a smile do just that.
With vast improvements to senior care and longevity in recent years, our communities are becoming more mature. CSET promotes positive aging through integrative programs and senior centers with the sole purpose of serving our communities' most distinguished citizens. Please answer the questions below to determine if you're a candidate for Senior Services programs.
Are you, or is someone you care for, age 60 or older and in need of assistance?
Are you interested in getting together with others your age to socialize and enjoy a meal together?
Are you or a family member housebound due to illness or disability and in need of home-delivered meals or other services?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, call the Senior Services hotline number for more information.
Senior Services Hotline Number
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Questions? Email us at:
There are many other ways to help local Seniors. Make a donation today!
CSET is proud to operate eight senior centers in Tulare County. Our centers play an important role in the well-being of elder adults by connecting them to vital community services that can help them stay healthy and independent.
For questions about senior centers, please email csetseniorservices@cset.org.

Click on a location below to view.
Congregate Meal Program: CSET offers a congregate meal program at each of its seven senior center locations throughout Tulare County. Seniors are welcome to visit any of our centers to enjoy a nutritious meal, special programs, classes, games or socialize with their peers. A list of senior center locations and lunch times is available below. Please call the center nearest you to make your lunch reservation.
Home-Delivered Meals Program: CSET offers temporary or long-term service to those 60 years and older who, due to chronic illness or recent hospitalization, cannot prepare nutritious meals for themselves and/or do not have friends, relatives, or paid help to provide assistance. This program helps housebound individuals maintain adequate nutrition and ensures that our communities' elder residents receive the care they deserve.
Nearly 350 housebound seniors count on our Meals on Wheels program for their daily nutritional needs. Every day, more seniors going hungry at home are identified forcing us to come up with creative ways to raise money so that we never have to turn anyone in need away. Will you help our CSET seniors?
For every purchase you make at SaveMart, FoodMaxx, or Lucky Supermarkets through their S.H.A.R.E.S program, you can donate 3% of your total qualifying purchase to the Meals On Wheels program. Some of us average $400 a month in grocery purchases, which amounts to a $12 donation without any cost to you! The average cost to feed a senior one meal is $3, so your grocery purchases could feed four additional seniors in need every month!
Signing up is super simple! The entire process takes less than 5 minutes. When you enroll in the S.H.A.R.E.S program, just link your phone number to Community Services & Employment Training, Inc. Then, all you have to do is enter your phone number into the keypad before you pay the next time you checkout and V I O L A ! Three percent of your purchase is on it's way to our CSET seniors at no additional cost to you! It's that easy!
The following agencies also provide services to Senior Citizens:
Multipurpose Senior Services (MSSP)
Adult Protective Services
Health Insurance Counseling (HICAP)