FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CSET Conducting Community Needs Assessment of Tulare County — CSET

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CSET Conducting Community Needs Assessment of Tulare County

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CSET Conducting Community Needs Assessment of Tulare County

Seeking feedback on the issues important to Tulare County residents.

[Tulare County, CA ] - Over the next three weeks, residents of Tulare County will have the opportunity to help Community Services Employment Training (CSET) identify the most pressing needs of the community. Tulare County residents are invited to participate in a countywide survey to identify gaps in services and suggest strategies that combat poverty in Tulare County.

The survey is part of a comprehensive Community Needs Assessment CSET conducts every two years to identify and report key needs in the community. The survey results help CSET assess needs of the community and formulate the Community Action Plan; a detailed bi-annual plan to deliver the programs and services individuals and families need most in Tulare County. 

During the survey process, CSET facilitates community forums and reviews surveys from Tulare County residents. This year, we strive to receive more than 1,000 surveys from members of the public. Survey results will be shared at an upcoming public hearing along with an analysis of resident needs and priorities. Residents are welcome to submit their feedback online until March 24, 2023 at

Thank you in advance for sharing your feedback and recommendations for strengthening services in Tulare County. For more information on the CSET Community Needs Assessment, please contact Lily Rivera-Graves at (559) 732-4194 or

Community Services Employment Training (CSET) inspires youth, families and communities to achieve self-reliance through innovative pathways and collaboration. Since 1976, CSET has been the Community Action Agency for Tulare County. To learn more about CSET’s services and impact in Tulare County, please visit or call (559) 732-4194.
